Thursday, April 15, 2010

Laboratory junkie no more

I have a friend who also writes a blog. We were discussing our hobby and she said that a good blog should be updated five times a week. Whaaaaaaaat? My efforts, then, have been woefully inadequate. It is highly unlikely that I can come up with something interesting to say five times a week (or ever, for that matter!)

My hip is hurting again. The same hip is hurting in the same way it did right before I was diagnosed. But this time I will not let it launch me into a fit of panic. The psychologist and I have been working on relaxation techniques, which in practice means I take little naps in her office every now and again. (I always thought the whole couch-in-the-psychologists-office thing was a movie cliche, but it turns out to be very real, and reasonably comfortable as well.) And - gold star for me - I only have to go once every two weeks now, instead of every week.

I could pop into the lab tomorrow for another round of bloodwork to ease my mind about the hip thing (yes, in Colombia you can ask for your own blood work and collect your own results, as well as buy drugs without a prescription), but I was just there last week (and two weeks before that, and the week before that), and it took them four tries to get any blood out, and I'm not sure running to the lab every time I feel the slightest bit funny is a good habit to get into. I'm going to resist.

My proper follow up appointment with in-depth blood work will be taking place next month in Medellin, as well as a scan of my liver to see if it has kicked a (minor) chemo-enabled infection from several months ago.

Yesterday was a good day, but overall this week I've felt really strung out. I ditched an after-work meeting yesterday - with my boss' permission, of course- to come home and just breathe, just be, by myself for awhile. I'm going to try exercise in the morning and see if that helps. The alarm is set for 5:30.

Tomorrow is going to be a no snooze button kind of day :-)

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