Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's just a birthday...

Me: ____, when is your birthday?

Sweet Little Boy: 2003!

Me: Yes, but what month were you born in?

Sweet Little Boy: 2003!

Me: Yes, that is the year you were born. But what month? Mes? Month?

Sweet Little Boy: Ju.....

Me: June? July?

Sweet Little Boy: Yes!

Me: But which one is it?

Sweet Little Boy: Either is fine.

Me: were only born once. Do you know which month you were born in?

Sweet Little Boy: ... ... ...

Me: Here, take this note to the office and ask the secretary to write your birthday down for you.

January. That sort of sounds like Ju.....

1 comment:

  1. lol. What to say, you've always had a way with kids. :-)
