Friday, October 29, 2010

I Hate Neighbours

At the moment in school I am just wrapping up a unit about Neighbours. Neighbours live in your neighbourhood, maybe in your conjunto. Maybe they go to school with you. Maybe you want them to die, just a little bit. That wasn't in the Unit Plan though. That's just me.

My selfish, thoughtless, horrible neighbours had yet another party last night. It woke me up for the first time at half past one, and finished around four am. I know this, because I was up for most of it. Their last party (less than a week ago) I'm pretty sure doubled as a rehearsal for some kind of theatrical performance. Last night's event on the other hand sounded as though it was inaugurated with a dance contest. My best guess: a fusion tap-break dance team vs. an imported group of Maori Haka dancers. Then the whole thing degenerated into a typical drunken sing-along, which was slightly less irritating than the agressive floor-stamping, but no more conducive to sleep.

I have complained to my Colombian friends here, who have all informed me that it is part of the culture to simply be more tolerant of noise. They are used to living in close quarters, and everybody loves a party. Let them tolerate then. This morning, I have cranked my television up to VOLUME 90 and while I think I am going a bit deaf myself, at least I am certain it can also be heard by the assholes upstairs, possibly even disturbing their attempts to sleep it off. I am hoping that they were not so drunk as to render themselves unconcious - I want them to enjoy my sharing of MTV's early morning selection.Queen is up right now. Not bad.

I know it's immature. But after 4 hours of sleep, my mind isn't capable of conjuring upn anything more sophistocated than eye-for-an-eye justice to address this very tiresome situation. I'm just disappointed that I can't stay here for the next three hours to slowly increase the volume to 100 and bang on the ceiling with my broom a bit more. I'd be worried about 'escalating the situation', but I'm out of here tomorrow anyway. More on that next time.

1 comment:

  1. lol. I love it. We are expected to be good citizens sometimes and suffer in silence. Good for you. Wish I was there with some Jamaican music. Now that would be something :-)
